Friday, January 23, 2009

Papa & Mimi are home!

Noah & I went to pick up Papa & Mimi at the airport tonight. Andrew, Bella & Maggie stayed home w/ Aunt Heidy & Monique & anxiously waited for us & Maggie had a treatment. Papa & Mimi have been gone since before Christmas so everyone is sooooo excited to see them. Especially Noah! He misses his Papa so much! Once we picked them up we all went to ice cream at Sonic. Poor Maggie had to stay in the car in the warmth. Of course Andrew brought his football & played w/ Papa, Monique & Noah in the parking lot. Bella tried to play but Andrew turned the game into keep away. Poor Bella Boo! Daddy had to work tonight so he didn't get to join us.


Our Family said...

It's so cute how much kids love their grandma and grandpa. I'm glad they're home now. I'm sure they are lots of help for you. I hope Maggie is feeling better!! Love ya!

The Murrays said...

Your parents must really enjoy having boys after so many girls in your family!!!

OUR WILD ZOO! said...

I LOVE being able to catch up on you and your family via the blog! I MISS YOU, my sweet friend. Hope Maggie is feeling better- I think of you all the time. Glad your parents are home, it must be awesome to have them back. Love Ya!!