Friday, November 21, 2008


So I got to the theater around 7:30pm & was greeted by Heidy, Tiana, Monique & some friends. Rene, Karen & Alecia showed up shortly after. There were women of all ages there ready to meet Edward! It was so cool to see everyone so excited! As soon as they opened the doors people were screaming & running to theaters. There were 19 total people w/ us & luckily they let us into a new theater. We had perfect seats & waited another 2 1/2 hours for the movie to start. I LOVED IT! It was so good. I do have to say that there were some cheesey parts & I wasn't totally crazy about who they cast for all the characters. I was disappointed that it was only 2 hours long. I just felt that they rushed through the entire movie. I wish it had been like 3 hours to really show more about Edward & Bella's relationship. Anywhoo...I can't wait for New Moon to come out. Who know when though. Enjoy the pics.

1 comment:

Jennifer Babbitt said...

There are so many different levels of devotion to Twilight - yours was fierce. Hope the movie was good. I never made it. Great blog!