Friday, February 27, 2009

No More Cuts

Yesterday the kids & I attended a rally at the State Capital w/ Grandma Mary & Aunt Chrissy. The rally was a small protest against the budget cuts that our new Governor, Jan Brewer has put into place. It's just absolutely insane & heartless! I just feel that if our Governor was directly affected by this, these cut wouldn't have been made at all. How frustrating is it that she spend $200K on a stage for her Inauguration. That's 4 therapists salaries for a year! Why all these cuts? ALL therapies for kids have been completely cut unless, the child is on Long Term Care! Long Term Care, ACCHS is a program for kids w/ multiple medical problems. Thankfully, Maggie is was qualified for Long Term Care after she was born. She is good until her 1st birthday & then will be back up for review. With all of these cuts I'm just putting my hope in God that he will show her favor! Eva gave me a special word that "Faith is the opposite of fear." So, I will not be fearful but I will trust in the Lord. He hasn't let us down yet.

So back to the rally. We got there around 11am & since it's right down the way from daddy's work, he came out to meet us for a little. We held our signs, one that said: "Please don't cut my therapies" & one that said, "My sister matters!" We walked in a circle on the front steps of the Capital & my big boy Noah held his sign as we all shouted "NO MORE CUTS!" "NO MORE CUTS!" He was so cute & all excited to be a part of it all even though really didn't know what the heck was going on. Andrew & Isabella we amazing too. It was such a great lesson for them. On the way we discussed the rights that we have as American Citizens. That we have the right to free speech & what an amazing country we live in. I talked to them about how even though we disagree w/ the Governor we have to submit to her authority & respect her. It was a great opportunity for me to explain about the Bible & how God is our Supreme Authority. At 1:30 we were able to attend the meeting of the House of Representatives. We only got to stay for a bit cause Noah & Miles started to get fussy but at least they got to see it. It was so neat to see where these laws are passed. All in All yesterday was a great day!

*********If you agree with what I've said please let your voice be heard!
Governor Jan Brewer can be contacted by phone at (602) 542-4331. There is additional information on her website:

If you need assistance finding your legislators, go to!


The Murrays said...

Good job Lents!!! It's good for these politicians to have to look the people in the eye that their decisions effect. They make cuts that look good on paper and don't see how it's hurts real people.

mynewcreation said...

Love you honey!